Kamis, 03 April 2014

ANDREAS short stories Sumaila CLASS XI IPA2

Erik is a very active man once in cyberspace , especially facebook . Every day erik never miss to see the latest status and to apdate its current status . Erik is also a high school student STATE 1 Bunta , he is at school is in jenal with " KING ONLINE " . Every day he continues to open facebook , and there was a woman who sent him a message . Women were invited to get acquainted erik , erik initially would not want to know and erik did not want to reply to the message . Until that time precisely at 1st August 2012, became curious and erik erik also reopen erik facebook and saw the woman being online . Erik greeted the woman with the message " he must " . Then they met through facebook , until they exchange numbers . Every day they continued texting , until the sense of the heart nyawan erik , Erik felt calm and happy again when texting with Leony , Erik feels there is tremendous Leony . Erikpun ventured to express his feelings to Leony , erik feeling very confused , because Leony afraid it would not accept his love . But all thoughts erik was not true , because Leony also have the same taste him . Leony also feel comfortable when texting with erik . And precisely on the 6th of August 2012. Increasingly them even closer , even though they are separated by distance and time . Because Leony living in Poso and erik live in Bunta , the distance they are very far apart . Leony promise erik , if the holidays he would go to Bunta , because in Bunta also no family , ie grandmother and grandfather . Their relationship every day just memalui sms , telephone and facebook .
Epada erik on December 25 Leony send a gift , which at Leony Leave to his cousin , when he got the gift in hand Leony , Leony can not wait to open the gift that is given from erik . And wrapping it contained clothes and shoes , very happy Leony , Leony lifted after wrapping the contents of the skin , Leony have a letter that is in the bottom of the gift , Leony read the letter , and he was crying , because she was moved by erik giving him .
 Until the 2nd of March , 2013, Leony already jaranga once to reply sms erik . At a time when erik leave school very glum face and erik friends asked him " hey bro why sullen face again " erik responded well again there is a problem with my girlfriend " her " oh , this again kasian my confusion , if I may know the problem what " erik " miraculous already well today she rarely reply to my message " his friend said " bro , maybe your boyfriend was there the affair was " but he just erik , erik beruhasa and to think positive .
Erik After coming back from school he saw no incoming messages on his cell , and that message comes from Leony " I'm sorry dear , some day I'm busy " erik just replied " oh , ie not what "
Erik feeling has calmed down. Erik was very patient in the face of Leony , because erik 's a shame to Leony .
On holidays came rise to Bunta Leony class with his cousin , upon reaching Bunta , Leony immediately apprise the erik , that he was in Bunta , and liver are very pleased erik , erik can not wait to meet the idol of his heart . The next day , Leony requested that erik came to his grandmother's house . After hearing that erik Leony invites him to come to her grandmother's house Leony , erik mandy quickly and get ready to meet her idol . Arriving at his grandmother's house Leony erik , erik entrance and greets , as well as the exit was greeted grandmother and grandfather Leony , erik become shy and nervous , after erik told by his family , Leony was out of the room , and was very happy because erik can meet idol hatiny it , after they sat down together , they talked and they talked about many things and not fixed and , erik came to visit until the eleventh hour , his heart wants erik need not go home , he just Leony feelings to his family , so he was forced to return . Leony Erik to leave home and family , but before erik home , Leony kissed his right cheek erik , erik at that time became very happy . I was so happy to the extent that he is dreaming sleep erik at the time he met with Leony .

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